Travel Terms & conditions Ticketplan Services LLC

1. Conclusion of the travel contract

With the confirmation of the booking in writing, by telephone or in person, a contract is concluded between the customer and Ticketplan. These terms and conditions apply to this contract. The customer accepts receipt and content of these terms and conditions upon payment of the invoice at the latest. For travel arrangements or individual services from other organizers, Ticketplan acts as an agent and their contractual conditions apply. This also applies when booking individual services such as flights.

2. Terms of payment

For Flight bookings, the invoice amount must be paid within 24 hours! For rebookings or cancellations, our fee is CHF 50 per person.

3. Package tours

Payment upon receipt of the invoice (booking confirmation by email) according to the information on the confirmation/invoice.

To guarantee the ticket price, we recommend immediate payment (within 24 hours) after booking. This enables us to issue the ticket early and prevents any subsequent price increases (e.g. fuel surcharges).

4. Price changes

We reserve the right to increase prices in the following cases:

  • Tariff changes by transport companies (e.g. fuel surcharges)

  • New or increased government taxes or fees (e.g. VAT, airport taxes, security fees, etc.)

  • Exchange rate changes

5. Validity

The flight tickets are generally only valid for transport with the relevant airlines. Rebookings to other airlines, route changes or additional stopovers are no longer possible en route.

6. Period of validity

The validity period of scheduled airline tickets usually begins on the first flight date. If it is an open ticket (without a single reservation), the validity period starts from the date the ticket is issued.

7. Free / fixed flight dates

After the start of the journey, scheduled flights can either be rebooked freely, rebooked for a fee, or are fixed (not rebookable). Charter flights generally have fixed (not rebookable) flight reservations.

8. Reconfirmation of flight tickets

Most airlines do not require a reconfirmation. Nevertheless, we recommend confirming every reservation with the airline at least 72 hours before the return or onward flight. This way, the departure time stated on the flight ticket can be checked and a contact address can be left if necessary. Failure to reconfirm can lead to loss of the right to transport, and any additional costs are borne by the customer.

9. Service charge and reservation fee

A service fee per person is charged for flights, individual trips and package arrangements as a cost share in the areas of liability, documents/information material or CRS fees.

10. Rebookings before departure

For changes to the dates before the travel documents are issued, a rebooking fee will be charged depending on the airline and tour operator. After the travel documents have been issued, rebookings before the start of the trip are considered cancellations, as the documents must be reissued. In such cases, cancellation costs arise. Charter flights cannot be rebooked, or can only be rebooked for very high fees.

11. Rebookings after the start of the trip

Any rebooking costs incurred by airlines and tour operators will be passed on to you 1:1. If rebookings are processed by Ticketplan after departure, additional costs will apply.

12. Cancellation provisions

In the event of cancellation before departure, Ticketplan will incur costs; however, cancellation fees will also be charged by airlines, transport companies and other organizers. The costs and fees incurred in such cases will be passed on to the customer directly or through us. If you do not show up at the airport, cancellation fees of up to 100% may apply. Our processing fee will not be refunded in the event of cancellation.

13. Land services

Campers, rental cars, hotels, etc. Cancellation costs vary depending on the service booked and the organizer.

14. Delivery of travel documents

The flight tickets and any other travel documents will be sent to the passengers by post or email no later than one week before departure and/or after receipt of payment by Ticketplan.

15. Refund of flight tickets

Refunds are generally not possible for unused sections of the journey. For completely unused tickets submitted for refund within the period of validity, a refund may be possible, but this can be a lengthy process and take several months. The refund costs deducted by airlines and tour operators in such cases can be very high.

16. Loss of travel documents

Ticketplan recommends that the customer keep the exact ticket numbers and a photocopy of the travel documents separately. We cannot accept any liability if the travel documents are lost.

17. Insurance

Ticketplan asks the customer to check whether he already has sufficient cancellation, return travel, health, accident or other insurance. We strongly recommend that the customer take out cancellation cost and SOS return travel insurance. The employees of Ticketplan will be happy to help you with this.

18. Passport, visa, vaccinations

The customer is responsible for complying with individual passport, visa, customs, foreign exchange and vaccination regulations and for obtaining the necessary documents. Ticketplan assumes no liability.

19. Warranty

Ticketplan adheres to an objective description of the services. If the customer nevertheless has cause for complaint because the service does not correspond to our confirmation/invoice or has significant defects, the following procedure must be followed: The customer immediately informs the service provider (e.g. hotel) as well as the representative of the organizer on site and/or us and demands immediate remedy. If this is not possible, written confirmation must be requested.

20. Ombudsman

Before taking legal action, we recommend that the customer contact the independent ombudsman for the travel industry. The ombudsman will endeavour to reach a balanced and fair settlement between the customer and us in any type of problem.

The address of the Ombudsman is:

Ombudsman of the Swiss travel industry, PO Box, 4601 Olten